2024 Liability & Ride Waiver
By checking this box and purchasing my fall festival wristbands, I understand that by attending a Britt David Magnet Academy PTA sponsored event, including but not limited to Fall Festival, I am agreeing to the terms of this Authorization, Waiver & Release both on behalf of myself and my child(ren) who attend with me or whom I permit to attend.
I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in activities associated with the BDMA PTA Fall Festival.
I understand that BDMA PTA events will be run by Britt David Magnet Academy volunteers and employees and who will oversee these activities and the attending children to the best of their ability, but that these volunteers and employees shall not be held liable for injury or harm to my child(ren) of any kind which may occur.
I understand BDMA PTA shall own all intellectual property rights, if any, arising in connection therewith, and I further agree and acknowledge that neither myself nor my children shall receive (or be entitled to receive) any compensation from BDMA PTA for any such usage.
By attending a BDMA PTA event, intending to be legally bound, I hereby agree to release from liability and to fully indemnify and hold harmless Britt David Magnet Academy (including, but not limited to, its officers, directors and employees) and the BDMA PTA Volunteers who are acting as BDMA PTA event personnel.
This waiver and release is for any and all liability, including, but not limited to, personal injuries (including death), costs, expenses, property losses or damages occasioned by, or arising in connection with, any activity related to any and all BDMA PTA events.
I have read this Authorization, Waiver & Release form in its entirety, fully understand its terms, and have agreed to its terms freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance, or guarantee being made to me.
I intend for this Authorization, Waiver & Release notice to be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent allowed by law for all persons in my party, including my minor child(ren).